Collaboration, Fun & Inspiration:
MASFPS Rebrand

How do you reach your audience and connect in a meaningful way?

Project: Rebrand & Website Redesign

Client: The Michigan Association of State and Federal Program Specialists (MASFPS)

The Challenge

The Michigan Association of State and Federal Program Specialists (MASFPS), founded in 1969, has a rich history of supporting Michigan schools with updates and resources to secure State and Federal funds, and outlets for collaboration among districts. But, it needed a way to connect with its members, prospects, and community in a way that’s reflective of the group’s collaborative, fun, inspiring nature.

The Goal

Rebrand the organization and strategically improve marketing and communications efforts for current and prospective members with a new website and brand identity that positions the group as an innovative, collaborative organization committed to supporting the success of schools.

The Approach

  • In the summer of 2018, the Galapagos Education team spent the day with the leaders of MASFPS to discuss growth potential of the organization in the areas of member acquisition, retention, and expansion of current member attendance of events and usage of resources.

  • It was determined that the dated brand be redesigned to breathe life into the organization that works tirelessly to help educators better serve students.

  • Working alongside MASFPS leaders, a new value proposition was born: We take the guesswork out of State and Federal programs so you can focus on students.

    This value proposition takes center stage to reach educators and connect them with the State and Federal program experts at MASFPS.

  • This includes website design, content creation and development.

The Results

The MASFPS value proposition takes center stage to reach educators and connect them with State and Federal program experts. The new brand was built around that promise, while keeping government and the organization’s acronym front and center.


The Spartan Differential
