Skip the Yard Signs

Prep for a Highly Focused Bond Campaign

November bond elections are approaching at a fast past and there’s probably a lot of work still to be done to ensure your bond proposal gets the number of yes votes it needs to pass. Both districts and yes vote groups ramp up communications the couple months before a bond vote, which is good, but experience in passing bonds in difficult communities tells us to think twice about the tactics you might want to use.

Skip the yard signs, skip the door-to-door knocks and handouts, and just focus on your district’s parents. At this point in the game, you’re not trying to sway a no voter to cast a yes vote - you should only be focusing on ensuring all of your supporters make it to the polls, through a sense of urgency and ownership.

We saw bonds fail by close margins this past May. Read our reaction to that here and gain some insight on a strategy we think works best.


Parent Research: Concerns and the 2021-22 School Year


Engaging Potential Students